Owner: Kristine B.

Born: Thursday, June 14, 2018

Personality: Ava is a very independent kitty. She only likes snuggles on her terms. When she seeks your attention, she will meow and rub up against you or roll around on the floor, meowing. She absolutely does not tolerate being picked up. If I fail to wake up at 5 a.m. and she is hungry, she progressively knocks things off my table one by one. If that doesn't get me out of bed, she moves to the bathroom waste basket, pulling out items one at a time to make noise with the basket on the floor. Ava also has a habit of stealing her brother Ishun's food if he leaves any behind. She consumes all her food and waits to seize the perfect moment to steal the rest of his. This is evident from her weight—quite amusing, actually. I find myself constantly carrying her brother's plate of food around to prevent her from getting to it if I leave the room. Unlike Ava, her brother doesn't finish his food in one go and takes breaks in between. Ava does have her playful moments, though they are rare and usually occur at night. Sometimes, she gets the zoomies, making a lot of noise as she slides into things, which is simply too funny.

Backstory: I adopted Ava after losing two other kitties, thinking it would be a good idea to find a companion for the one cat I still had. A coworker, Zach, knew a girl who was moving and couldn't take her kitty with her, so I decided to adopt her. It took a while for Ava to warm up to her new surroundings, but she has finally made the house her home. Watching her adapt and become comfortable in her new environment has been a heartwarming experience.

