









Owners: Lee & Zach of Cats of Cape Ann

Born: June 14, 2018

Personality: Ozzy is the man of the house, but don’t let him fool you with his tough attitude, because deep down inside he is a giant love-able baby. Ozzy is often lounging around the house in various hiding spots, looking out the window checking out the birds or getting into something he shouldn’t looking for food. Ozzy likes pets and attention when he wants, but loves a good pet or two. He tends to get annoyed easily especially if you touch his belly. Ozzy can be a bit temperamental at times but if you pet him in the right areas and allow him to reset when he gets moody he will melt in your hands. Ozzy is boarder line a dog with his at the door and table mannerisms. He will eat anything off the floor that you drop, and will give you plenty of head butts while you are trying to eat.  

Backstory: Ozzy was born in Gloucester MA, on July 21, 2018. When he was a year old Ozzy had to be rushed to the Woburn animal emergency hospital for a life saving operation in order to drain his bladder because he had crystals forming in his urethra also know as a UTI. In male cats, they have smaller urethras than females so most times females pass them without an issue but some male cats can have blockages which are very very dangerous in cats. I could tell he was in pain the moment I looked at him, and when we got to the hospital Ozzy was clearly in pain and distress. Woburn treated us promptly and gave us a few options which one of them was euthanasia. Of course that was never an option so we we knew we had to save him so he stayed in the hospital over night. The vet told me that this was just a temporary fix as if it’s not being actively treated than more than likely going to happen again. Thousands of dollars later and 6-8 hours later we had Ozzy back at the house acting his normal self. About 2-3 days later, after a long days work at about 8:30pm,  I was sitting on the couch and sure enough I see my little guy in pain and discomfort again. I start frantically looking for animal hospitals I’m the area and I found one that specializes in an hour and a half away so I grab my keys and take him to NH. They kept him there for just over 24 hours where they drained his bladder, put him on medicine and ensured he was going the bathroom on his own. We eventually put him on a medicated UTI diet. Ever since then, he has been a happy go fiestyy cat who is my chunky boy.



